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great country
伟大国家报  detail>>
the great nature of canada
加拿大的自然景观  detail>>
a great ability to rule the country
经世之才  detail>>
great shipping country
大商船国  detail>>
my great country
伟大的祖国  detail>>
the country that produced the great man
产生那位伟人的国家  detail>>
the impressive manner of a great country
泱泱大风  detail>>
in what year did canada become a country
加拿大在那一年立国  detail>>
his death is a great loss to his country
他的逝世是国家的重大损失  detail>>
we feel proud of our great country
我们为伟大的祖国而感到骄傲  detail>>
a canada
加拿大  detail>>
 n.  加拿大〔北美洲〕。  detail>>
in canada
在加拿大  detail>>
a country
国家行政文化  detail>>
 n.  1.国家;国土;(全)国民,民众。 2.本国,祖国;家乡,故乡。 3.乡下,农村;土地,地方,地区;领域,范围。 4.(代表群众的...  detail>>
in the country
乡村生活 在农村 在乡村里 在乡下  detail>>
in this country
尝试“  detail>>